The Start Up Visa Canada From Dubai is designed to attract foreign entrepreneurs who aspire to establish groundbreaking businesses within Canada. Through the creation of job opportunities and the establishment of thriving enterprises, applicants and their families have the potential to secure permanent residency via the avenue of business immigration. The initiative actively seeks immigrant entrepreneurs who possess the necessary skills and potential to foster innovative businesses, ultimately generating employment prospects that contribute to both Canada’s local workforce and global competitiveness.

If you possess a distinctive business concept that aligns with the criteria set forth by designated organizations, you may find yourself eligible for permanent immigration to Canada. Moreover, the SUV program extends its advantages to as many as five business partners who wish to permanently relocate to Canada in order to establish a Canadian enterprise. However, it is essential that they satisfy the supplementary program requirements.

This article will provide an overview of the Start Up Visa Canada From Dubai, including eligible and non-eligible applicants, the application process, after applying, arriving in Canada, advantages and disadvantages, temporary work permits, and cost.

Start Up Visa Canada From Dubai Requirements

Start Up Visa Canada From Dubai

Eligibility for the Start Up Visa Canada From Dubai extends to individuals who meet specific criteria. Those who can apply for the program include:

1. Possess a qualifying business

Your business must fulfill several conditions to be considered as a qualifying business under the Canada Start-up Visa Program From Dubai:

  1. When you get a commitment from a designated organization, each applicant (up to 5 people) should individually hold at least 10% shares of the corporation connected to the voting rights.
  2. The applicants and designated organizations must hold over 50% of the voting rights jointly.
  3. Upon obtaining permanent residence, you must actively manage the business from within Canada and ensure that a significant portion of its operations occur there.
  4. The business must be legally incorporated in Canada.

These conditions define a qualifying business under the Start-up Program, and it is recommended to consult official government sources or seek professional advice to stay updated on any specific requirements or changes to the program.

2. Provide a letter of support from a designated organization

To enroll in the Start Up Visa Canada From Dubai, you must secure an endorsement letter from recognized entities such as venture capital firms, angel investor collectives, or business incubation centers. These entities hold significant importance and adhere to particular criteria and protocols. It is imperative to persuade them of the value of your business concept, possibly through a personal presentation or by furnishing an exhaustive business plan or proposal.

Once you have obtained their backing, they will furnish you with a letter of support and a commitment certificate. These documents are crucial for your application, as they serve as endorsements and are assessed for approval. The minimum investment amount varies depending on the source: $200,000 from a venture capital fund, $75,000 from an angel investor group, or no financial investment obligation from a business incubator if you gain acceptance into their program.

3. The language requirements

Proficiency in English (IELTS score for start-up visa), French, or both languages is crucial for the success of your business in Canada. To initiate the processing of your permanent residency application, you are required to undergo a language evaluation administered by a sanctioned agency. This evaluation necessitates the submission of both the results and your permanent residency application.

Attaining at least Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 5 proficiency in English or French across the domains of writing, listening, reading, and speaking is imperative. This level corresponds to an upper-intermediate language skill proficiency. Meeting these minimum language skills is essential to prevent the rejection of your PR application.

4. Enough required level of investment

The Canadian government does not offer financial assistance to new immigrants through the Start-up program. As a component of your application, you must furnish proof that you possess adequate financial resources to sustain yourself and your dependents when you arrive in Canada. It is crucial to understand that you are not allowed to borrow this money from another individual. The precise amount of funds needed is contingent on the size of your family, and these figures are revised on an annual basis.

Each applicant and their family must have sufficient funds, at a minimum, between $13,757 – $36,407, depending on the size of the applicant’s family, to settle in Canada. Plus, they have access to capital funds to begin your business in Canada, usually around $150,000 at a minimum per applicant.

Who should not apply for Start Up Visa Canada From Dubai?

The Start-Up program for the Canadian visa may not be the right choice for foreign entrepreneurs with limited capital to invest in their start-up endeavors in Canada. Regardless of any assertions or presumptions, having a well-funded business is essential to garner support from Designated Organizations within the program. It is impractical to anticipate that Canadian venture capitalists (VCs) or Angel investors will endorse your business and supply the required initial funding solely on the basis of a brilliant concept.

Venture capitalists (VCs) and angel investors typically look for well-established businesses with a proven track record of success and substantial sales revenue before considering investment. Consequently, if you are an entrepreneur with a superb product or service but possess limited funds (less than $150,000) for business expansion, there might be more suitable alternatives to the Start-Up Visa (SUV) program. Nonetheless, it is crucial to investigate other available alternative pathways.

How to apply for a Start Up Visa Canada From Dubai?

How to apply for a Start Up Visa From Dubai

Applying online is now a mandatory Start-Up Visa requirement. here are the highlights of the process:

  1. Create an online account on the IRCC portal for Permanent Residence Application
  2. Gather all required documents
  3. Complete digital forms and electronically sign
  4. Submit individual applications for each partner
  5. Pay the application fee(s)
  6. Biometrics appointment
  7. Medical examination and police clearance (if required)
  8. Attend an interview (if necessary)
  9. Selection Factors
  10. Evaluation Process
  11. Wait for a decision
  12. Canada visa application approval or refusal

How to Get a Letter of Support for Canada’s Start-up Visa Program

Obtaining a Letter of Support for Canada Start-Up Visa Program is one of the pivotal steps in your application process. You must secure the endorsement of a designated organization to obtain this essential document. Here is a comprehensive explanation of how to achieve this:

1. Identify Potential Designated Organizations

One of the most crucial stages in the application process is obtaining a Letter of Support for Canada’s Start-up Program. This letter is typically issued by a designated organization that has committed to finance your business and endorse your application, such as a venture capital fund, an angel investor group, or a business incubator. The process of securing a Letter of Support entails the following steps:

2. Contact Designated Organizations

To initiate contact with these organizations and express your interest in their support for the Startup Visa Program, you can utilize various approaches. This includes sending emails, making phone calls, attending networking events where these groups are in attendance, participating in business incubation programs, or engaging with startup pitch events.

3. Pitch Your Business Idea

Prepare a compelling start-up pitch in advance. Clearly articulate your business idea, emphasizing its potential for growth and innovation, and how it aligns with the goals of the organization. Highlight the financial benefits your company will bring to Canada.

4. Build Relationships

Building connections with potential investors and designated organizations is of paramount importance. Engage in industry events, become part of startup incubators or accelerators, and actively network with Canadian business professionals. By establishing trust and rapport, you can enhance your likelihood of securing the support you need.

5. Submit a Business Proposal

If you have identified a specific group that piques your interest, collaborate closely with them to craft a comprehensive business proposal. This request for information should encompass your business concept, the investment they intend to make, and their commitment to supporting your business.

6. Obtain a Letter of Support

Upon reviewing and accepting your proposal, the designated organization will issue an official Letter of Support for your Start-Up Visa application. This letter serves as an assurance that they will back your application and invest in your company.

It is vital to keep in mind that the Letter of Support application process may be challenging, and not all applicants will achieve success. Obtaining this crucial document for your Start Up Visa application From UAE hinges on establishing strong connections, having a well-thought-out business plan, and showcasing the potential for commercial success in Canada.

List of Designated Organizations

To secure your Letter of Support, you may be required to either successfully finish a startup development program or receive funding from the authorized organization you are collaborating with in exchange for equity in your business. This is one of the most crucial requirements for the Start-Up Visa (SUV) program From Dubai. It mandates that one or more venture capital funds, angel investor groups, or business incubators furnish you with a Commitment Certificate and Letter of Support. Here is a complete list of the designated organizations.

Processing Time for Start Up Visa Program From Dubai

Processing Time for Start-Up Visa Program From Dubai

Foreigners national who wish to enter Canada as Business people ask about the Canada business visa processing time. Every application follows a unique process and timeline. The processing times provided by the Canada Immigration and Citizenship (CIC) indicate the duration it took the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to process the majority of applications in the past for each specific application type.

SUV CIC Processing times can vary depending on factors such as the IRCC office’s workload if the applicant(s) need to be interviewed by an IRCC officer and a medical and background check. If you have already submitted your application, the standard guidelines indicate that the average waiting period for a final decision on a Start-Up Visa (SUV) application is approximately 37 months.

The Benefits and drawbacks of the Canadian Start-Up Visa

The Start-Up Visa Canada program From Dubai is designed to attract foreign business owners with innovative ideas, encouraging them to establish and expand their businesses in Canada. However, alongside its numerous advantages, the application does come with certain drawbacks. The main benefits and drawbacks of the Canadian Start-Up are as follows:

Advantages of the Program

  • Direct pathway to Permanent Residency for entrepreneurs of any nationality.
  • No restrictions on business activities
  • Opportunity to relocate with a work permit during application processing.
  • Allows partnerships of up to 5 individuals with a minimum ownership of 10%.
  • No Investment Required
  • Pathway to Citizenship

Disadvantages the Program

  • High competition for support from designated organizations, making funding and resources hard to secure
  •   Lengthy processing times for permanent residency (3 to 5 years) including biometric data submission.
  •   Capital investments and a well-developed business model are often required, posing financial challenges
  •   Moderate risk of refusals or delays during the permanent residence stage.

In conclusion, the Canadian Start-Up program offers inventive business owners a pathway to permanent residency. However, it comes with its set of challenges, including intense competition, the risk of business failure, and the complexities of relocating to a foreign country. Before embarking on this immigration option, potential candidates should thoroughly deliberate on these issues and seek both legal and business advice.

How to get a start-up visa for a Canada work permit?

A temporary Start-Up Visa (SUV) class work permit is categorized under the International Mobility Program. Only individuals who have acquired a Commitment Certificate and Letter of Support from a designated entity are eligible to apply. The designated entity must confirm that you are considered “essential” and provide compelling business justifications for early entry to Canada prior to obtaining permanent residency. Additionally, you must demonstrate adequate funds to meet the low-income threshold for supporting your family over 52 weeks (approximately 12 months), and these funds must be separate from your investment capital. Once you meet the eligibility criteria, you can proceed with your work permit application.

The work permit issued under this program is specifically intended for entrepreneurship-related employment. It has a one-year validity, with the potential for extension, contingent on the individual assessment of the permanent residence application. Eligible applicants may also have the opportunity to bring their spouse or common-law partner, as well as dependent children, to Canada.

Keep in mind that the Commitment Certificate remains valid for six months from the date of issuance. Whether you opt to apply for a work permit or not, it is imperative to submit your application for permanent residency before this certificate expires.

What is the Cost of Start Up Visa Canada From Dubai?

The cost of the Start-Up Visa program in Canada can vary depending on several factors, including the size of your family, the number of applicants, and your individual circumstances. The primary expenses associated with the Start-Up program in Canada are categorized as follows:

Government Processing Fees

The current fee is $1,575 for the principal applicant. Additional fees apply for accompanying family members, spouse $1,040, dependent child $150.


Biometrics Fee of $85 per person or $170 per family.

Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF)

The Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) must be paid after the application for permanent residence is approved and before receiving the permanent resident visa. The RPRF is currently $500 per person.

Language Testing

The cost of the IELTS score for start-up visa can vary but is typically around $300 to $450 per test in an approved language test center.

Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)

The cost of an ECA can vary depending on the organization you choose to assess your credentials but typically ranges from $200 to $400.

Medical Examination and Police Clearance

A medical checkup and police clearance from any nation you’ve resided in for more than six months may be required of you. Depending on where you live and other factors, the price of these criteria may change.

Travel Costs

If you must attend interviews or biometrics appointments, you must factor in travel costs to and from these locations.

Business Investment

To be eligible for the program, you must secure an investment commitment from a recognized Canadian venture capital fund, angel investor organization, or business incubator. The specific investment amount required from the applicant can vary depending on the organization providing the funds. However, it usually falls between $200,000 and $400,000.

Business plan Costs

The cost of preparing a business plan can fluctuate depending on the unique circumstances of your start-up. For innovative, scalable start-ups with annual revenues exceeding $400,000, the estimated cost typically falls within the range of $3,000 to $5,000. However, for businesses that do not meet these criteria, the estimated cost can be $100,000 or more. This higher cost encompasses expenses associated with market research, validating assumptions in the Canadian market, and generating initial traction for your business.

Business Execution Costs

The cost of a Start-Up Visa business plan execution in Canada can vary widely depending on the nature of the business and industry. While no fixed amount is specified, It is advisable to allocate a minimum of $100,000 or more per applicant to address the operational expenses of your start-up venture during the waiting period for permanent residence. These expenses may encompass activities such as company development, securing office space, acquiring equipment, marketing, staff recruitment, research and development, and other operational costs. Thoughtful planning and budgeting for these expenses are essential to ensure the successful establishment and growth of your business in Canada.

Fees Charged by Designated Organizations

Designated Organizations impose varying fees. Incubators generally charge $40,000 or more per company, while Angel Investors typically require fees of $35,000 or more per company. Venture Capital Funds may have costs of $50,000 or more per company. These fees are associated with the support and services these organizations offer to aid in the establishment and expansion of your innovative business in Canada.

Legal Fees

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) and Canadian lawyers typically charge around $20,000 per applicant. These fees encompass the legal services offered by seasoned RCICs to aid applicants throughout the application process, ensuring adherence to Canadian immigration regulations, and providing counsel and support to enhance the likelihood of visa approval. It’s important to acknowledge that the actual costs may fluctuate based on individual circumstances, the complexity of the case, and the specific legal services needed.

What is the Canada Startup Visa success rate?

Canada Startup Visa success rate

The IRCC (Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada) has published specific statistics concerning the success rate of the Start-Up Visa program in Canada from 2014 to 2020, and these statistics are readily available upon request by any individual. The success rate for any immigration program can fluctuate from year to year and is contingent on various factors, including the quality of applicants’ business plans, their capacity to secure investments, and the overall demand for the program.

Canserves has submitted a request for data to IRCC related department for detailed statistics on the SUV approval rate. We gathered the data in the table below to better understand the SUV program approval rate.

While looking at the table, applications had an average success rate of 77.7% in all designated organizations. This average rate is calculated based on Total Processed/Approved*100. While considering Total Intake/Approved*100, the approval average rate changes to 36%.

Permanent Resident Applications under the Start-Up Program, Processed by year from 2013 to October 2020
Year of Final Decision Approved Refused Total Intake  Total Processed The approval rate for the Total Processed The approval rate for the Total Intake
2014 10 11 76 21 47.6 13.2
2015 98 17 160 115 85.2 61.3
2016 103 0 205 103 100.0 50.2
2017 229 56 347 285 80.4 66.0
2018 231 131 891 362 63.8 25.9
2019 625 161 1,184 786 79.5 52.8
2020 (Jan-Oct) 148 38 1,147 186 79.6 12.9
Grand Total 1,444 414 4,010 1,858 77.7 36.0

It is crucial for applicants to meticulously examine the Start-Up Visa (SUV) program requirements and guidelines and confirm that they meet all the eligibility criteria set by IRCC before proceeding with their application. Additionally, seeking legal immigration advice can prove invaluable in helping applicants navigate the application process and steer clear of common pitfalls that could potentially result in a Canada visa refusal.

What are the main reasons for a Canada Start-up Visa refusal?

The process of applying for a Start-Up Visa in Canada involves several phases, and any misstep in these phases could jeopardize your application, leading to its rejection. Lack of ownership stake, an incomplete application, financial insufficiency, and language proficiency issues are primary reasons for a Start-Up visa refusal. The IRCC statistics show these are the common reasons for a Canada Start-up Visa  Refusal.

Permanent Resident Refusal Grounds under the Start-Up program from 2013 to October 2020
Refusal Grounds 2014 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 (Jan-Oct)
A11(1) 0 3 0 1 1 2
A11.2 0 0 0 0 1 2
A12(2) 0 2 0 0 0 0
A16(1) 0 0 0 0 2 0
A40(1) 0 0 0 0 0 2
A41(a) 0 0 0 0 2 0
MI SUD-12(1) – ability to become economically established in Canada 1 0 0 0 0 0
MI SUD-2(2)(a)(i) – a commitment from a designated organization 0 0 0 4 0 0
MI SUD-2(2)(b) – language proficiency 0 0 2 0 0 0
MI SUD-2(2)(d) – available funds 2 0 0 0 0 0
MI SUD-2(5) – Improper Purpose under Ministerial Instructions 0 0 9 15 4 0
MI SUD-6(3)(g) – Multiple Applicant under same commitment 0 0 4 0 0 0
MI SUD-6(4)(g) – Improper Commitment from Designated Organization 0 1 0 0 0 0
MI SUD-7(1)(b) – Not Qualifying Business 1 1 3 0 1 0
MI SUD-9(2) – Designated Organization did not make a proper assessment 1 0 4 4 0 0
R10(1)(a) 0 0 0 0 1 0
R89 – Improper Fees 0 0 0 0 12 0
R98(1) – Not Falling under Regulation 0 0 0 25 39 9
R98(5) 0 0 0 1 0 0
Grand Total 5 7 22 50 63 15


The Canada Start-Up Visa program offers foreign entrepreneurs a valuable opportunity to establish innovative businesses in Canada, with the goal of attaining permanent residency and contributing to the country’s economic growth and innovation ecosystem. To leverage this program, entrepreneurs must meet eligibility requirements, secure support from designated organizations, and successfully navigate the application process. The application process entails:

  1. Preparing a pitch deck or business plan
  2. Applying to a designated organization for assessment
  3. Signing an agreement and fulfilling fee payments if approved
  4. Obtaining a letter of support from the designated organization(s)
  5. Applying for permanent residency and temporary work permit (If needed)