The Startup Visa Canada Success Rate can vary based on various factors. These factors encompass the qualifications of individual applicants, the excellence of their business concepts and strategies, and the prevailing business activity criteria.

To obtain the most current and precise information, we sought approval and refusal rates directly from Canadian immigration authorities. They furnished us with comprehensive statistics, including success rates. Additionally, for insights and details from recent applicants and entrepreneurs who have navigated the startup visa process, consider exploring online forums and communities or reaching out to relevant organizations that support startups in Canada.

In this article, in addition to approval and refusal rates in the Canadian Startup Visa program. Alongside approval and refusal rates, we explore Canada start up visa processing times, statistics, advantages and disadvantages, costs, and provide some facts about the SUV program.

What is Canada Startup Visa Success ?

Startup Visa Canada Success Rate

The objective of the Canadian Startup Visa program is to assist immigrant entrepreneurs from around the world in establishing innovative and globally competitive businesses that contribute to Canadian employment.

This business immigration route aids immigrant entrepreneurs in entering Canada, offering them Permanent Residency upon fulfilling all program conditions. Candidates can enter Canada and commence business growth with a temporary work permit while awaiting their permanent residency. Additionally, under this program, the first five partners of a startup have the opportunity to attain Canadian citizenship.

What are the Canada startup visa requirements?

The Start–up Visa Program in Canada is designed to attract innovative entrepreneurs to establish their business there. The main eligibility criteria include:

1. Letter of Support from a Designated Organization Requirements:

To be eligible for the Start-Up Visa Program, you must secure an endorsement from a recognized Canadian venture capital fund, a Canadian angel investor group, or a Canada Startup Visa incubator. These groups are required to obtain approval from the Canadian government to participate in the initiative. Each type of Designated Organization has specific minimum investment requirements for the Canada startup Visa minimum investment. 

2. Qualifying Business Requirements

Your company must exhibit innovation, scalability, and the potential to generate employment in Canada. It should be established and operated within Canada, with a focus on creating, manufacturing, and marketing cutting-edge goods and services.

3. Ownership Requirements

No one or group of people may own more than 50% of the voting rights in the business; the applicant must control at least 10% of those rights.

4. Language Proficiency Requirements

To demonstrate proficiency in either French or English, a language test is required. Accepted assessments include IELTS, CELPIP-G, TEF Canada, or TCF Canada, with a minimum score of CLB 5 in Speaking, Reading, Listening, and Writing. Specifically for the IELTS, a score of 5 is necessary for all skills except Reading, where a score of 4 is acceptable. Failure to meet this requirement will lead to the automatic refusal of your application.

It’s important to note that program details and qualifying restrictions are subject to change. For the most current information, consider consulting with immigration specialists or visiting the official website of the IRCC Canadian government.

Canada Startup Visa Advantages and Disadvantages

Canada Startup Visa Advantages and Disadvantages

Before taking any further steps, it is crucial to weigh the benefits and disadvantages of the program. Fully understanding what the SUV program in Canada offers and determining if it aligns with your goals is essential. Entrepreneurs considering the Start-Up Visa route should carefully evaluate the program’s advantages and drawbacks. Keep in mind that program details may change, so it’s necessary to verify the latest information on the IRCC website or consult with an RCIC. Here are some general advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of the Start-Up Program

Below are some of start up Visa Canada benefits:

Disadvantages of the Start-Up Program

Below are some of the risks of the start up visa Canada program:

How to get a Start-up Visa in Canada?

How to get a Start-up Visa in Canada

Starting from October 14, 2022, It helps IRCC serve a faster startup visa Canada processing time. This shift aids in expediting the processing time for the startup visa in Canada by facilitating efficient service from the IRCC. To acquire a Start-Up Visa in Canada, follow a series of steps. Here are the steps to apply for the SUV program:

1. Meet Eligibility Requirements

Ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements, typically involving the demonstration of language skills, ownership of a qualifying firm with at least 10% of the startup’s voting rights, and securing a letter of support from a recognized group.

2. Secure a Commitment from a Designated Organization

Reach out to a recognized angel investor group, venture capital fund, or company incubator in Canada. These firms must receive approval from the Canadian government to be eligible for the Program. Convince them to contribute to or support your startup and provide you with a letter of recommendation.

3. Complete the Application Package

Once you have the letter of support, you can compile your application package. This involves completing the required paperwork and providing supporting documentation, including education transcripts, language proficiency certificates, and other relevant information. The Instruction Guide (IMM 5759) can assist you in accurately filling out the forms.

4. Pay the SUV Application fee

Fees for biometrics, the Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF), processing fees for both yourself and any applicants included in your application, as well as third-party payments, are typically applicable. Your –

Canada Startup visa cost must be paid online. The current application fee for the Start-Up Visa Program set by the IRCC is $2,075 (Subject to Change). 

5. Submit SUV Application

Send Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) your completed application. At this point, pay the necessary application fees.

6. Wait for Processing

Your application will undergo a review by the government, and the processing periods for this procedure can vary, potentially taking some time. For the most recent details on processing timelines, refer to the official IRCC website. Canada startup visa processing time can be changed based on the IRCC workload. As per the IRCC, the present processing time for a Start-Up Visa is estimated to be between 12 and 17 months from the date of submitting the application form.

7. Medical and Security Checks

If your application is being processed, you may have to go through security checks and medical exams for you and your family.

8. Receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR)

Upon the acceptance of your application, you will receive a permanent resident visa for your passport, along with a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR). Once you possess your COPR, you are allowed to enter Canada. Upon arrival, you can commence the development and operation of your startup as you become a permanent resident.

Startup Visa Canada refusal reasons

Startup Visa Canada refusal reasons

There are various phases to applying for a Start-up Visa in Canada. Any of these stages could face setbacks if errors occur, potentially leading to the rejection of your application in the end. According to IRCC statistics, the following are common reasons for a refusal in the SUV Program.

As Immigration Canada evaluates these cases on an individual basis, we cannot furnish specific details regarding the reasons for individual refusals in the Startup Visa Canada program or the exact grounds for denials. However, we can provide a few common explanations for visa rejections. Keep in mind that the specific reasons may vary based on the particulars of your application. Several frequent explanations for Permanent Resident Refusal Grounds under the Start-Up Visa include:  

  1. Ability to become economically established in Canada.
  2. Lack of accomplishments and progress completed in the business venture.
  3. The Designated Organization did not make a proper assessment.
  4. Improper Purpose under start up visa Canada requirements.
  5. Multiple Applicant under the same commitment
  6. Improper Commitment from Designated Organization
  7. Not Qualifying Business
  8. Improper application fee for the Start-Up Visa Program
  9. Insufficient proof of cooperation with possible partners.

Startup Visa Canada Success Rate

Startup Visa Canada Success Rate

The IRCC has published specific statistics on the success rate of the Start-Up Visa program in Canada from 2014 to 2020. These statistics are readily available upon request from any individual. The Canada start-up visa success rate can vary from year to year and depends on various factors, including the quality of applicants’ business plans, their ability to secure investment, and the overall demand for the program. 

Canserves has filed a data request with a relevant department to obtain detailed statistics on the Canada startup visa success rate. We have compiled the acquired data in the table below to enhance our understanding of the SUV program approval rate.

The table indicates that applications, on average, had a success rate of 77.7% across all designated organizations. This average rate is calculated by Total Processed/Approved100. When considering Total Intake/Approved100, the average approval rate changes to 36%.

Number of Permanent Resident Applications under the Start-Up Program, Processed by year from 2013 to October 2020
Year of Final Decision Approved Refused Total Intake  Total Processed The approval rate for the Total processed The approval rate for the Total Intake
2014  10 11 76 21 47.6 13.2
2015  98 17 160 115 85.2 61.3
2016  103 0 205 103 100.0 50.2
2017  229 56 347 285 80.4 66.0
2018  231 131 891 362 63.8 25.9
2019  625 161 1,184 786 79.5 52.8
2020 (Jan-Oct)  148 38 1,147 186 79.6 12.9
Grand Total 1,444  414  4,010 1,858  77.7 36.0

How to prevent the possible delay for your Start-Up Visa Application?

At times, if the Immigration Officer doubts about the validity or feasibility of the business, a peer review may be initiated. The peer review panel is tasked with confirming the chosen SUV business’s compliance with industry standards through inspections and investigations.

Experts in the relevant field conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the business idea as part of the peer review process for SUV applications in Canada. This review assesses the proposed startup’s viability, inattentiveness, and likelihood of success. The following are crucial factors that could be considered in a peer evaluation for a Canadian start-up visa:

To address these concerns, applicants must incorporate comprehensive and well-documented information in their applications. The aim of the peer assessment process is to ensure that the selected businesses can contribute positively to Canada’s innovation and economy. Applicants should closely adhere to the instructions provided by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and any other designated organizations assisting in the assessment process.

Canada Startup Visa Success Stories

In recent years, Canada has set a goal of welcoming approximately 500 new permanent residents annually through the Start-Up Visa Program, as outlined in the IRCC Immigration Levels Plan. The table below presents the Start-Up Visa Canada statistics for the past years, indicating the admissions of permanent residents by province under the program. Notably, the highest number of approved start-up visa applications resulted in admissions to Ontario and British Columbia.

Admissions of Permanent Residents under the Canada Start-up Visa Program
Province/Territory 2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020 
Ontario  40 45 55 60 245 125
British Columbia  10 45 65 140 160 85
Alberta  5 0 0 0 40 20
New Brunswick  0 0 5 15 0 10
Prince Edward Iceland  0 10 10 25 60 5
Nova Scotia  0 10 0 0 5 10
Newfoundland and Labrador  0 0 0 0 0 5
Manitoba  0 0 0 0 0 5
Total (Canada) 55 110 135 240 410 265