Australia Visa from Dubai, Due to its unending natural beauty and inviting working holiday visa program, Australia is among the best places to obtain job or begin an investment.

Applying for an Australian visa from Dubai opens up the door to a country abundant with limitless career prospects. Australia boasts a high demand for skilled workers, increasing your chances of securing a job that aligns perfectly with your abilities and expertise.

Australia Visa from Dubai in 2024

The working holiday visa program has opened up numerous job opportunities for individuals across the globe. With this visa, you can work while you travel and extend your vacation for a duration of up to two years, providing ample time to immerse yourself in exploring the breathtaking landscapes of this magnificent continent.

Ignoring the elevated living standards in Australia, the pay rates stand out as exceptionally high. The average salary in Australia ranks among the highest globally. In certain sectors, weekly wages can match or even exceed the monthly earnings of individuals in the UK or Ireland.

Tips for Working in Australia

1. Secure your visa in advance.

Getting an Australia Visa From Dubai is the first step to working in Australia. There are two types of Australian work visas, namely :

The working holiday visa subclass 427 doesn’t necessitate additional educational documents, unlike the work and holiday visa subclass 462. The minimum education requirement varies depending on your nationality.

Australia Visa from Dubai

Ensure that you enter Australia within 12 months after the visa is issued, or else the visa will expire. Once you’ve entered the country, the work visa remains valid for an additional 12 months from the date of entry.

While you can commence job hunting before obtaining the visa, typically, securing a job offer becomes easier once you’ve sorted out your visa.

After completing at least three months of regional work, you can apply for a second visa. It’s advisable to initiate the application for the second visa well in advance of reaching the age limit.

Although visa application involves significant paperwork, the good news is that Canserves can assist you with the process, saving you time and hassle. Canserves visa consultants will manage your work visa application and handle all the paperwork from start to finish.

2. Create an Australian resume/CV.

Write an Australian resume/CV to help in job hunting. Below are some tips for writing an Australian resume :

3. Start your job search online.

You have the flexibility to start your online job search either before arriving in Australia or after landing. There is a plethora of job vacancies available online, allowing you to explore opportunities from the comfort of your own home.

Popular job posting websites include Indeed, Gumtree, Seek, Jora, Australian Government Job Search, and Career One. Some positions, like farm work, are typically seasonal and offer opportunities for up to a year.

If you’re considering a move from Dubai to Australia to pursue farming, the Australian Government Harvest Guide provides valuable information on picking, harvesting, and production gathering in the country’s picturesque farming communities.

When browsing internet job sites, focus on temporary or contract positions as they are more inclined to hire individuals with working holiday visas.

Additionally, recruitment agencies specializing in jobs for foreigners and those with working holiday visas can be a valuable resource. Social media platforms are also effective tools for job hunting.

4. Get help from an Australian working holiday program.

How To Get Australia Visa from Dubai

Consider joining an Australian working holiday support program to receive assistance for your working holiday adventure.

These support groups often provide aid in various aspects such as finding accommodation, training, transportation from the airport, and securing rental spaces.

5. Get your training/certificates.

If you have children or are seeking employment in industries such as construction, hospitality, or restaurants, you may require specific certificates or special training.

For instance, if you intend to work in establishments where alcohol is served or sold, obtaining the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate is mandatory. This certificate demonstrates your understanding of alcohol consumption regulations in Australia.

Many states in Australia offer online RSA training, but completion of the course typically requires physical presence in the country.

Each state has its own regulations regarding training requirements. Some states mandate immediate training upon commencing work, while others offer a three-month grace period. Notably, Western Australia does not require such training.

6. Get a TFN

When you move from the UAE to Australia and start working, you must get a TFN (Tax File Number). A TFN is a unique number provided by the Australian Tax Office for taxation and superannuation purposes. A TFN can be used to :

7. Set up a bank account.

To ensure smooth payment processing, it’s essential to set up an Australian bank account, as most employers do not pay into foreign accounts. Fortunately, you can initiate the account creation process while still in Dubai, even before your journey to Australia.

However, if you delay opening a bank account for more than six months after arriving in Australia, additional documentation may be necessary. This could include a credit card, birth certificate, or driver’s license.