How much does a Canada Startup Visa Cost? Addressing this query entails navigating through a convoluted and nebulous terrain. Within the confines of this composition, we shall delve into the charges associated with the Canada Startup Visa program. This examination encompasses not only apparent fees but also covert expenses, encompassing charges levied on appointed agencies, business advisors, and legal assistance.

What is a Startup Visa for Canada?


Canada Startup Visa Cost

The Startup Visa Canada program empowers entrepreneurs worldwide to cultivate innovative, high-potential enterprises within Canada, fostering global competitiveness and generating employment opportunities for Canadians. Eligibility criteria include meeting language proficiency requirements, possessing sufficient settlement funds for Canada, presenting their qualified business to a designated organization (e.g., venture capital, angel investor group, or incubator group), and securing a letter of support from them.

Applicants can also work in Canada if they have applied for permanent residence through the Startup Visa Program. In such instances, they must demonstrate that their business will significantly contribute to Canada’s economic well-being and have adequate funds to settle for both their families and businesses.

Upon receiving permanent status, successful candidates and their families can continue operating their startup businesses while residing and working in Canada. The program’s objective is to attract and retain talented entrepreneurs capable of enhancing the Canadian economy and creating employment opportunities.

How much money to invest in Startup visa Canada to get PR?


Within the framework of the Startup Visa Canada program, there exists no mandatory minimum investment for eligibility for permanent residency. However, participation in the program necessitates securing funding from a designated Canadian organization, such as a venture capital fund or angel investor group, or receiving support from a business incubator. These entities play a crucial role in evaluating your business plan and determining the investments to be made.

A minimum investment is often required. However, the precise Canada Startup Visa Cost may differ based on the company and the type of startup visa business you want to establish.

Type of Startup Visa in Canada


The Startup Visa Canada initiative welcomes a range of inventive enterprises, as long as they satisfy the program’s criteria. Canadian startup visas are categorized into two groups: tangible startup and conceptual startup. However, what sets these two apart?

A real startup and a conceptual startup in Canada differ in their stages of development and operational status:

1-Canada Real Startup Visa


Genuine startups possess tangible products or services with the initial intent of establishing a prosperous business to generate revenue and expand. Their primary objective isn’t immigration to Canada. These startups typically offer market-ready products or services, with many having early customers, and some even boasting revenue and profit. While there are instances where they may not have any revenue initially,

They secure support from external investors—both private and public—who are enthusiastic about their business concept. These investors have faith in the startup’s potential to emerge as a distinctive player in the startup landscape. The most successful startup visa groups are characterized by committed founders actively involved in the majority of the work. Here are the key features of a genuine startup:

  • Established: A real startup has already been founded and operates.
  • Product/Service: It typically offers an actual product or service to customers.
  • Team: A real startup often has a team of founders and employees working on the business.
  • Market Validation: It may have validated its business idea or concept in the market.
  • Revenue Generation: A real startup may have generated some revenue.

2-Canada Conceptual Startup Visa


Concept startups are established solely for the purpose of immigration. Once the process of obtaining permanent residence in Canada is completed, there is no interest in sustaining these startups. Generating revenue or expanding the startup business is not a part of their agenda. Their sole focus is on ensuring success in their immigration journey to Canada, and they are willing to take any necessary steps to achieve this goal.

Conceptual startups strive to create a product or service, and on occasion, successful ones invest funds in activities such as marketing, media coverage, product or service development, and research. In some instances, they may seem to have clients or business partners. Here are the key aspects of a Conceptual startup:

  • Idea Stage: A conceptual startup is in the early idea or planning stage.
  • Not Yet Established: It has yet to be officially founded or registered as a business.
  • Product/Service Development: It is in the process of developing its product or service.
  • Limited or No Team: A conceptual startup typically needs an entire team or may have only one or a few founders.
  • No Revenue: It has yet to generate any revenue.

Typically, investors opting for a passive PR pathway to immigrate to Canada participate in a consortium of conceptual startups under the Canadian startup visa program. Their capital is employed to invest in product or service development and to offset some expenses incurred by the designated organizations involved in the startup project. Once the permanent residence is approved by the IRCC, group members usually do not proceed with the startup.

Both real and conceptual startups can benefit from the Startup Visa Canada program. Still, the IRCC requirements, application processes, and Canada Startup Visa Cost differ based on the stage of development and the support they have in place.

What is the Canada Startup Visa Cost?


What is the Canada Startup Visa Cost From Dubai

The Canada Startup Visa Program aims to draw entrepreneurs with innovative business concepts to Canada. The program does not specify a fixed cost for either real or conceptual startups. However, there are specific fees and financial prerequisites connected to the program that applicants need to fulfill.

Here, we explain the Canada Startup Visa Cost, but not all startup groups bear these costs. Still, we describe them for all groups depending on the type of applicant profile, nationality, and type of startup.


1-Pay-To-Play Fees

For Startup Visa concept startups, there is a fee to join a startup group. It is sometimes called “Pay-To-Play” fees.

In discussions about “pay to play” within the startup context, we typically refer to a situation where individuals or businesses are required to invest money or pay a fee to gain access to specific opportunities, services, or resources within the startup ecosystem. The term is commonly applied in the following contexts:

  1. Venture Capital: “Pay-to-play” refers to a scenario wherein existing investors in a company are required to contribute additional funds in subsequent funding rounds to maintain their ownership interest and voting rights. This tactic is occasionally utilized to incentivize current investors to continue supporting the company through further funding.
  2. Accelerators and Incubators: To access resources, networking opportunities, and mentorship from certain accelerators and incubators, participating firms might need to pay a fee or surrender equity. This arrangement can be viewed as a form of “pay to play.”
  3. Co-Working Spaces and Shared Services: Companies offering shared workspace or other services to startups might sometimes impose an entrance fee for access to their infrastructure, facilities, or business support services. To avail themselves of these shared resources, startups may find themselves having to “pay to play” in specific areas.
  4. Networking and Events: For access to industry insights and networking opportunities, certain conferences, industry-specific gatherings, and corporate networking events may require admission fees or ticket purchases. In such instances, obtaining admission can be characterized as “paying to play.”

It’s crucial for business owners and startups to carefully evaluate the terms and conditions of any “pay to play” agreement. While some of these agreements may offer valuable resources and opportunities, it is essential to thoroughly assess them. it’s essential to consider whether the Canada Startup Visa Cost outweighs the advantages and ensure the conditions are reasonable and transparent.

If you don’t know the previous founders, such as family or friends, you can expect to pay between $75,000 and CAD 250,000. Depending on your nationality, region of residence and your background as an investor looking to join a group, This is the cost associated with joining a pre-established and qualified startup visa group. Payment is typically done in stages, with certain tasks being completed in advance.Real startup founders who have their startups don’t pay these fees.

2-Letter of Support Fees (LOS)


The subsequent step involves covering the expenses associated with obtaining a letter of support. To apply for a startup visa, you must secure a letter of support from a designated organization, such as venture capital funds, angel investor groups, or business incubators. These organizations play a crucial role and have specific requirements.

It is imperative to persuade them that your business idea merits the investment, whether financial or educational, which may entail presenting a comprehensive business plan. Upon approval of your plan, they will issue a letter of support and a commitment certificate to IRCC, essential for acquiring permanent residence in Canada.

The minimum investment commitment from these organizations stands at $200,000 for venture capital, $75,000 for angel groups, or no investment commitment requirement for business incubators.

The Canada Startup Visa Cost of these designated organizations helping and evaluating the startup group to obtain a letter of support differs. There are 76 designated organizations listed on the official website of Immigration Canada, but it’s essential to discern which ones to collaborate with and which ones to steer clear of.

Every startup group is obligated to address the designated organization fees (Angel investor, business incubator, or venture capital organization). These fees, charged by them to Canadian startup visa groups, are inevitable. Whether you request a letter of support from any of them, in the majority of cases, these organizations impose a fee to offset the costs associated with implementing the startup program.

You can expect anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 for real startups and $30,000 to $100,000 for concept startups as the fee the startup group must pay the designated organization. Typically, these costs are distributed among the founders or shareholders of the group, and they apply on a per-person basis if you happen to be the sole founder of the startup.

A limited number of designated organizations provide a fee-free letter of support for their accelerator program under the condition that you demonstrate substantial business revenue (a minimum of $100,000) and present a strong, innovative business idea aligning with their portfolio. In return for their support, they will acquire a share in your startup business, admit you into their accelerator program, and ultimately furnish a letter of support.

In certain scenarios, the “Pay-To-Play” requirement to join a startup group encompasses the expenses associated with engaging a designated organization or business consultant to secure a letter of support. Real startups may opt to pay these fees, especially when their business concept requires greater innovation.

To ensure the success of their startup, they seek external assistance, often from business consultants, to procure letters of support from designated organizations. In some instances, real startups compensate business consultants to facilitate entry into a cost-effective designated organization, creating a mutually beneficial arrangement even when factoring in the consultant’s salary.

Canada Startup Visa Cost From Dubai

3- The cost of investing in a startup business


The subsequent expense involves an investment in the startup business. Whether you are a real startup or part of a conceptual startup group, actively launching your successful startup visa business is crucial for gaining confidence in the immigration process to obtain Canadian permanent residence.

Real startups typically cover these costs from their own funds, unless they have a consortium of investors. Concept startups, on the other hand, use funds from investors. Towards the upper end of the spectrum, if someone has made a payment ranging from $200,000 to $250,000, these costs generally encompass a co-founder’s investment in the business.

This is a significant Canada Startup Visa Cost that no one should underestimate, and always plan for it. The IRCC disapproves of startup groups that remain inactive, lacking business activity, and merely wait to secure their Canadian permanent residence. In such instances, the IRCC places them on a waiting list, prolonging the case review process. It’s well-known that the IRCC does not grant permanent residence to every startup visa group at a 100% approval rate.

Canada’s startup visa has an approval rate of approximately 25%, with many groups making selections primarily based on the human capital factor. This factor assesses the strength of the founders’ profiles, considering elements such as a university degree, professional work experience, and entrepreneurship background.

4-The IRCC Fees


Most of the time, your fees will include IRCC processing fees for you and everyone you list on your application, This includes the Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF), biometrics charges, and expenses from third parties, such as fees for translating your documents or covering travel expenses if required to undergo the biometrics test.

The principal applicant is responsible for paying the processing fee of $1,625 and the Right of Permanent Residence fee of $515. Additionally, the spouse or partner of the principal applicant must pay a processing fee of $850 and a Right of Permanent Residence fee of $515. For each dependent child, the processing fee and the Right of Permanent Residence fee are both $230.

The biometric fee for a Canadian visa is $85 for the principal applicant or $170 for the whole family if they apply at the same time and place.



As an actual startup, your Canada Startup Visa Cost are still reasonable and competitive, especially if you are the sole founder and are knowledgeable about the designated organization to apply to. As a startup visa investor, the fees you are expected to pay vary based on your nationality and the type of startup group you join.

Success hinges on joining a startup group with a promising future, and qualified applicants must adhere to Immigration Canada regulations and internal policies and practices, which are not typically publicly disclosed.

It’s important to note that the application process for the Canada Startup Visa Program can be intricate. Hence, it is recommended to seek legal advice or assistance from a regulated Canadian immigration consultant (RCIC) to ensure compliance with all requirements and accurate completion of the application.