Canada StartUp Visa (SUV) program has been gaining popularity among entrepreneurs and investors around the world. The program provides a pathway for innovative entrepreneurs to obtain Canadian permanent residence by launching their start-up in Canada. In 2023, the Start-Up Visa Canada program is set to continue offering opportunities to individuals with a great business idea, promising to bring economic growth and job creation to the country. If you are an entrepreneur looking to expand your business in a vibrant and diverse country, then the Start-Up Visa Canada program might just be the right fit for you. In this blog post, we’ll explore the details of the program and how you can qualify to become a part of Canada’s innovative start-up ecosystem.

What is the Start-Up Visa Program?

The Start-Up Visa Program is an initiative launched by the Canadian government in 2013 to attract foreign entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas to establish and grow their start-ups in Canada. This program provides a pathway for eligible individuals to obtain permanent residency in Canada by securing funding and support from designated Canadian venture capital funds, angel investor groups, or business incubators.

To be eligible for the Start-Up Visa Program, entrepreneurs must have a promising business idea that can compete on a global scale and create jobs in Canada. They must also have the support of a designated organization, which will assess their business plan and provide them with the necessary funding and resources to establish their start-up in Canada.

Once an entrepreneur is accepted into the program and receives funding and support from a designated organization, they can apply for permanent residency in Canada. The Start-Up Visa Program provides a faster and more streamlined pathway to permanent residency than traditional immigration programs, as it allows entrepreneurs to bypass the usual points-based system and instead focuses on their ability to create jobs and contribute to the Canadian economy.

What are the requirements for Canada’s start-up visa?

The Start-Up Visa Program is an initiative launched by the Canadian government in 2013 to attract foreign entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas to establish and grow their start-ups in Canada. This program provides a pathway for eligible individuals to obtain permanent residency in Canada by securing funding and support from designated Canadian venture capital funds, angel investor groups, or business incubators.

To be eligible for the Canada Startup Visa, entrepreneurs must have a promising business idea that can compete on a global scale and create jobs in Canada. They must also have the support of a designated organization, which will assess their business plan and provide them with the necessary funding and resources to establish their start-up in Canada.

Once an entrepreneur is accepted into the program and receives funding and support from a designated organization, they can apply for permanent residency in Canada. The Start-Up Visa Program provides a faster and more streamlined pathway to permanent residency than traditional immigration programs, as it allows entrepreneurs to bypass the usual points-based system and instead focuses on their ability to create jobs and contribute to the Canadian economy.


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What are the Designated organisations for start-up visa

The Start-Up Visa Program is an initiative by the Canadian government aimed at attracting foreign entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas to establish and grow their start-ups in Canada. To be eligible for the program, entrepreneurs must secure a letter of support from a designated organization in Canada. These organizations play a crucial role in the Start-Up Visa Program by providing funding, support, and mentorship to eligible entrepreneurs. In this section, we’ll explore the designated organizations for the Canada Investment Visa program.

Designated organizations for the Start-Up Visa Program are approved by the Canadian government to provide support to eligible entrepreneurs. These organizations include:

Venture Capital Funds: These organizations provide funding and support to start-ups with high-growth potential. They invest in promising start-ups and provide them with resources, mentorship, and guidance to help them grow and succeed.

Angel Investor Groups: These organizations are composed of high-net-worth individuals who invest in start-ups with high-growth potential. They provide funding and support to start-ups at the early stages of their development and often take an active role in the management and growth of the business.

Business Incubators: These organizations provide mentorship, resources, and support to early-stage start-ups. They offer workspace, networking opportunities, and access to funding and resources to help start-ups grow and succeed.

Designated organizations for the Start-Up Visa Program must meet certain criteria set by the Canadian government. They must be reputable, experienced, and have a track record of successfully supporting start-ups. They must also demonstrate a commitment to providing ongoing support and mentorship to eligible entrepreneurs.

Here are designated organisation for Start-up Visa:

Below you will find a list of all Venture Capital Funds and Angel Investor Groups that have been designated to participate in this Canadian immigration program.

Venture Capital Funds

BDC Venture Capital

Blackberry Partners Fund II LP (doing business as Relay Ventures Fund II)

Celtic House Venture Partners

Celtic House Venture Partners Fund III L.P.

Celtic House Venture Partners Fund IV LP

DRI Capital Inc.

Golden Opportunities Fund Inc.

iNovia Capital Inc.

New Brunswick Innovation Foundation Inc.

Northwater Intellectual Property Fund

OMERS Ventures Management Inc.

Pangaea Ventures Fund III, LP

PRIVEQ Capital Funds

PRIVEQ III Limited Partnership

PRIVEQ IV Limited Partnership

Quorum Group

Advantage Growth (No.2) L.P.

Ontario SME Capital Corporation

Quorum Investment Pool Limited Partnership

Quorum Secured Equity Trust

Rho Canada Ventures

Summerhill Venture Partners Management Inc.

Tandem Expansion Management Inc.

Vanedge Capital Limited Partnership

Version One Ventures

Wellington Financial LP

Westcap Mgt. Ltd.

Yaletown Venture Partners Inc.

Angel Investor Groups

Angel One Network Inc.

First Angel Network Association

Golden Triangle Angel Network

Note: All these sources are taken from

What Are the Candidate Eligibility Requirements For Startup Visa?

To be eligible for Canada’s Start-Up Visa program, candidates must meet several requirements, including:

  1. Business Ownership: The candidate must own at least 10% of the start-up’s voting rights and be actively involved in the management of the business.
  2. Letter of Support: The candidate must obtain a letter of support from a designated organization in Canada. The organization must be an angel investor group, venture capital fund or a business incubator that is approved by the Canadian government.
  3. Language Proficiency: The candidate must demonstrate a level of proficiency in either English or French through a standardized language test.
  4. Sufficient Funds: The candidate must demonstrate that they have enough funds to support themselves and their dependents upon arriving in Canada. They must also show that they have enough money to establish and operate their business.
  5. Educational Qualifications: The candidate must have completed at least one year of post-secondary education from a recognized institution, either in Canada or abroad.
  6. Health and Security: The candidate must pass a medical examination and obtain a police certificate to demonstrate that they do not pose a threat to Canadian security.
  7. Business Plan: The candidate must present a business plan that outlines the company’s growth potential, market analysis, and how it will contribute to the Canadian economy.

Candidates who meet all these eligibility requirements may be invited to apply for permanent residency in Canada through the Start-Up Visa program. Once approved, the candidate and their family members will be granted permanent residency in Canada and can continue to operate and grow their business in the country.

In conclusion, the Start-Up Visa program is an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas to establish and grow their start-ups in Canada. To be eligible, candidates must meet several requirements, including business ownership, a letter of support from a designated organization, language proficiency, sufficient funds, educational qualifications, health and security, and a viable business plan. Candidates who meet these requirements and are approved for the program will have the opportunity to build a successful business and contribute to the Canadian economy while enjoying the benefits of living in one of the most vibrant and diverse countries in the world.

What Are the Start-Up Visa Program Business Ownership Requirements?

The Start-Up Visa Program is a Canadian immigration initiative that aims to attract innovative entrepreneurs from around the world to establish and grow their start-ups in Canada. To be eligible for the program, one of the key requirements is business ownership. In this section, we’ll explore the business ownership requirements for the Start-Up Visa program.


To qualify for the Start-Up Visa program, the candidate must own at least 10% of the start-up’s voting rights and be actively involved in the management of the business. This means that the candidate must have a significant stake in the company and be an integral part of its day-to-day operations. The Canadian government designed this requirement to ensure that candidates have a genuine interest in the success of their business and are actively involved in its growth.

The Start-Up Visa program requires that the candidate’s business must be a corporation, which means it is a legal entity separate from the owner. This is an important requirement because it ensures that the business is registered with the Canadian government and is operating legally.

It’s worth noting that the business must be innovative, with the potential for high growth in Canada. This means that the business should have a unique product or service, and there should be a demand for it in the Canadian market. The Canadian government encourages start-ups in areas such as information technology, digital media, and clean technology.

Additionally, candidates must obtain a letter of support from a designated organization in Canada, such as an angel investor group, venture capital fund, or business incubator. The designated organization must believe that the candidate’s business has the potential for high growth in Canada and must be willing to invest a significant amount of resources in the business.

In conclusion, the Start-Up Visa program is an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas to establish and grow their start-ups in Canada. To be eligible, candidates must own at least 10% of the start-up’s voting rights and be actively involved in the management of the business. The business must be a corporation, innovative, with the potential for high growth in Canada, and must obtain a letter of support from a designated organization in Canada. By meeting these requirements, entrepreneurs can leverage the benefits of Canada’s stable economy, strong infrastructure, and welcoming business environment to build a successful business and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

How Do Candidates Qualify for A Work Permit/Permanent Residence?

Once candidates have been accepted into Canada’s Start-Up Visa program, they will be required to apply for a work permit or permanent residence in Canada. In this section, we will explore the qualifications and requirements for candidates to obtain a work permit or permanent residency.

Work Permit:

After being accepted into the program, candidates can apply for a work permit, which will allow them to come to Canada and work on their start-up. To qualify for a work permit, candidates must:

1.Have a letter of support from a designated organization in Canada.

2.Meet the eligibility requirements for the work permit, including having sufficient funds to support themselves and their dependents while in Canada.

3.Demonstrate that they will be able to contribute to the Canadian economy and create jobs for Canadians.

Once approved, candidates will be granted a work permit, which will be valid for one year. Candidates can apply for an extension of their work permit if they need more time to build their business in Canada.

Permanent Residence:

After working in Canada for a specified period of time and meeting certain criteria, candidates may be eligible to apply for permanent residency. To qualify for permanent residency through the Start-Up Visa program, candidates must:

1.Have a valid job offer from a Canadian employer.

2.Meet the eligibility requirements for permanent residency, including language proficiency, education, and work experience.

3.Demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to support themselves and their dependents upon arriving in Canada.

Once approved for permanent residency, candidates and their family members will be granted the right to live and work in Canada permanently. They will have access to public health care and education, and they will be able to apply for Canadian citizenship after a certain period of time.

Why should you hire Canserves for Canada Startup Visa Program

If you are an entrepreneur looking to start a business in Canada through the Start-Up Visa program, you may be wondering whether you need assistance with the application process. While it is possible to apply for the program on your own, there are several reasons why you may want to consider hiring a professional immigration consultant like Canserves.