This article aims to offer comprehensive details regarding the Canada Visa rejection rate across various categories, encompassing temporary resident visas (TRV), students, workers, and visitors, which also include business visitor visas.

The TRV refusal rate can be influenced by factors such as the applicant’s country of origin, the purpose of the visit, economic conditions, geopolitical situations, and alterations in immigration regulations. Individuals from countries with weaker economic conditions or a heightened perception of immigration risks may experience elevated rejection rates.

TRV rejection rates, depending on the visa type (tourist, business, family visit, etc.) and the applicant’s place of origin, are estimated to vary between 30% and 50%. It’s essential to note that these figures are approximations and may fluctuate over time. For the latest and most accurate statistics, you can refer to your nation’s recent data available from IRCC (Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada).

IRCC’s statistical publications offer information on immigration and citizenship policies, covering both permanent and temporary residents. You have the option to request comprehensive data on any subject directly from the IRCC. Send an email with a complete description of your preferred report to the address [email protected] to submit a request for data. It’s important to note that, according to immigration and refugee protection legislation, ad hoc requests for data may require payment of a cost recovery charge.

Processing of visitor visa applications

Prior to the approval of a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), individuals from foreign countries requiring a visiting visa for entry into Canada must meet all eligibility and admissibility requirements for a short-term stay. To determine if the applicant meets the criteria outlined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations, IRCC Officers assess each application on an individual basis.

What is Canada visa rejection rate?

Canada Visa Rejection Rate

The issuance of Temporary Resident Visas (TRVs) has decreased compared to previous years, attributed to the impact of COVID-19, the implementation of travel restrictions, and limitations in processing capacity. Since September 7, 2021, there has been a gradual increase in the processing of TRVs.

Between January 1 and December 31, 2021, 702,058 TRV applications were submitted; this reflects a 20% increase over the same time in 2020 and a 67% drop over the same period in 2019.

From January 1 to December 31, 2021, a total of 452,801 Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) applications were processed, signifying a 79% decrease from the corresponding period in 2019 and an 11% decline from the same time frame in 2020. The primary cause for this decline is the allocation of resources toward employment and study permits.

Between January 1 and December 31, 2021, a total of 319,973 Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) applications were granted, marking a 77% decrease from the corresponding period in 2019 and a 4% reduction from the same time frame in 2020. The approval and refusal rates are influenced by the number of applications processed, and the notable decrease in completed applications in 2021 (79% fewer than in 2019) has contributed to this trend. The Canada Visa rejection rate increased in parallel.

What is Canada visa rejection rate?

The visa refusal rate for Canada, as well as any other country, can be influenced by factors such as the applicant’s profile, the purpose of the visit, the immigration laws of the nation, and the prevailing international geopolitical conditions. The following are some Canada Visa rejection reasons:

1. Purpose of visit

Acceptance rates for different visa categories, including tourism, business, and study, can differ. Visas with clearer purposes and stronger ties to your home country often exhibit higher acceptance percentages.

2. Economic circumstances

The decision to approve you may be influenced by your financial state and capacity to sustain yourself in Canada without applying for public assistance.

3. Ties to home country

Demonstrating substantial connections, such as employment, family, property, or community involvement, in your home country can provide reassurance to immigration officials that you intend to return after your stay.

4. Travel history

Prior lawful travel to other nations, particularly those with comparable visa requirements, will help your application.

5. Invitation or sponsorship

If you’re receiving an invitation from a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, their standing and relationship to you may be considered.

6. Accuracy of information

It’s essential to provide your application with accurate, consistent, and complete information. Refusal may result from errors or inconsistencies.

7. Criminal history

If a person has an account that is judged to pose a security concern, their visa may be denied.

8. Health and security issues

Refusal of a visa might be caused by health problems or worries about international security.

9. Misrepresentation

False or misleading information, including falsified papers, may result in automatic denial and potential restrictions.

10. Interview performance

Some candidates could be obliged to appear. The decision may be adversely affected by subpar performance or evasive responses.

11. Global events and policies

International events, wars, and changes in immigration laws can all impact visa acceptance rates.

12. Economic and political conditions

Concerns about potential asylum seekers, financial instability, or political turbulence in your home country could impact your visa acquisition prospects. It’s important to note that each application is evaluated on an individual basis, taking into account various factors. For the most accurate and up-to-date information relevant to your circumstances and eligibility, it is advisable to consult with a Registered Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC).

What is student visa rejection rate for Canada?

Student Visa Rejection Rate for Canada

The Study Permits Approval rates (excluding Extensions) between January 2019, and October 2022, broken down by year in the below table:

Canada Student Approval Rates

2019 2020
Approval Rate 60% 51%
Total Submitted Application 422,689 217,960
Not published yet

For the Canada visa refusal rate by country, please visit CIMM – Student Approval Rates by Country of Residence – February 15 and 17, IRCC Website.

What are the chances of a Canadian study permit approval in 2024?

Upon acceptance to a Canadian-designated learning institute, you have the opportunity to apply for a study permit, covering your first year’s tuition along with CAD 10,000 for living expenses. Convincing IRCC officers of your genuine intent to study and return to your home country upon completion of your studies significantly enhances your approval chances.

In 2022, IRCC Canada approved 551,405 study permits for eligible international students. There is no indication that these numbers will decrease in 2024, and there is no cap on the issuance of study permits. As long as Canadian designated learning institutes (DLIs) accept international students, IRCC will grant a study permit to eligible applicants.

What are the reasons Canadian Study Permit Applications Get Refused?

Here are the most common factors that might influence the Canada study visa rejection reasons:

1. Documentation and eligibility

It is crucial to provide comprehensive and accurate documentation showcasing your eligibility for the selected program and your financial ability to cover tuition and living expenses. Any discrepancies or omissions could lead to a rejection of your application.

2. Academic background

Your chances may be influenced by your previous academic achievements and how well they align with the program you are applying for. If your academic history does not align accurately with the chosen program, there may be questions about your ability to succeed in that specific program.

3. Language ability

Your application may be affected if you lack the necessary proficiency in English or French for admission. You might be obligated to undergo the IELTS or TOEFL to showcase your language proficiency.

4. Genuine intent

Immigration officials determine if you sincerely intend to study and whether your educational objectives align with your prior coursework and job aspirations.

5. Financial capacity

It is crucial to prove that you possess the resources required to cover your tuition, living expenses, and any potential return trip. If your financial supporting documentation is inadequate or deemed unreliable, your application may be rejected.

6. Program choice

Your application may be impacted if certain institutions or programmes are viewed as low quality or not fitting with your academic background.

What is a Canada visa rejection email?

What is a Canada visa rejection email

Your email and a visa refusal notification will be sent by IRCC. We can provide you with a basic overview of the contents of a visa refusal email. However, it’s essential to note that the details may vary based on individual circumstances. Here is an example of a refusal email for a Canada visa:

lease note that this is a general illustration, and the specifics of a Canada visa denial email may vary. If you receive an email informing you of the rejection of your visa application, carefully review the enclosed rejection letter and follow any instructions to comprehend the reasons for the denial and the available options. It is advisable to utilize the contact information provided above to reach out to the relevant Canadian embassy or consulate if you have any questions or concerns.

What is a Visitor Visa Processing Time?

To encourage travel, contribute to Canada’s economic recovery, and assist foreign nationals intending to visit Canada for various purposes like business or to see family and friends, IRCC is dedicated to expeditiously processing visitor visa applications.

As the Department works on gradually addressing the backlog of applications that accumulated during the COVID-19 border closures, there is a commitment to processing visitor visa applications submitted after September 7, 2021, within 30 working days.

Due to the restrictions on admission for discretionary purposes and the restricted processing capacity caused by COVID-19, a backlog of visitor visa applications built up from March 2020 until September 6, 2021.

Starting from September 7, 2021, IRCC pledged to promptly process new visitor visa applications. Simultaneously, efforts were ongoing to gradually decrease the backlog of those who applied while not exempt from border restrictions. This initiative aimed to synchronize visitor visa processing with modifications to the Orders in Council (OIC) that allowed discretionary travel for fully immunized foreign nationals.

Applications submitted before September 7, 2021, have proven to be more challenging to process, potentially requiring adjustments to the purpose of the trip or supporting documents. This can lead to extended processing times, attributed to the age of the application inventory.

How can Canserves Visa help you?

Canserves has assisted numerous individuals in gaining entry to Canada even after facing multiple refusals in their prior visa applications. Unfortunately, individuals who experience a Canada visa application refusal once are at a greater risk of encountering another refusal upon reapplication.

If you are interested in applying for a study permit, work permit, or visitor’s visa, reach out to us today to explore how our Registered Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) can assist you.