There isn’t a specific program to how to buy Canadian Citizenship like other countries. Instead, Canada provides several business immigration pathways tailored to attract investors and entrepreneurs seeking to establish themselves in the country. Successfully navigating these streams eventually renders individuals eligible for both permanent residency and citizenship.

Selecting the optimal business immigration program—be it federal or provincial—based on your business and personal background is crucial for a successful immigration journey towards attaining Canadian citizenship. This page elucidates the minimum investment requirement, eligibility criteria, advantages and disadvantages, application procedures, and the expected processing time for prominent Canadian Investor Visa programs. This information guides you on the path to obtaining Canadian permanent residency and citizenship.

Investment Amount How To Buy Canadian Citizenship

How to Buy Canadian Citizenship

The investment amount, how to buy Canadian citizenship may vary but typically ranges from $200,000 to $400,000, depending on the province, location, and the nature of the business. The Investor Visa program may not be suitable for entrepreneurs seeking access to low capital for their business ventures in Canada.

Based on our experience, companies should be capable of showcasing robust gross sales surpassing $200,000 annually, along with access to liquid funds of at least $100,000 to cover operational costs for the first year. Beyond the initial investment, applicants should also demonstrate accessibility to additional funds or assets to sustain the Canadian business, particularly if it does not achieve self-sufficiency by the end of the first year.

Minimum Requirements for Buying Canadian Citizenship

Eligibility to how to buy Canadian citizenship is typically based on specific criteria established by the respective business immigration programs, but most require the following: 

Advantages Of Canadian citizenship

  1. High Quality of Life
  2. Strong fastest-growing Economy
  3. Access to Global Markets
  4. Diverse and Inclusive Society
  5. Free Education and Healthcare
  6. Natural Beauty
  7. Safety and Security
  8. Family Sponsorship
  9. Global Mobility

Disadvantages Of Canadian citizenship

  1. High Investment Requirements
  2. Competitive Selection Process
  3. Business Risk
  4. Job Creation Obligations
  5. Stringent Eligibility Criteria
  6. Conditional Permanent Residency
  7. Immigration Processing Times
  8. Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  9. Limited Program Availability
  10. Changing Immigration Policies

How To Get A Canadian Citizenship?

How To Get A Canadian Citizenship

  1. Determine Your Eligibility
  2. Choose the Right Program
  3. Prepare Documentation
  4. Invest or Start a Business
  5. Submit Your Application
  6. Wait for Processing
  7. Business Establishment
  8. Comply with Conditions
  9. Apply for Permanent Residency
  10. Reside in Canada (3 years out of 5)
  11. Apply for Canadian Citizenship (Optional)

Alternatives to Buying Canadian Citizenship

The appropriate Canadian business visa program for you hinges on your distinctive situation, encompassing your past business experience, financial resources, and long-term goals. Here are some primary Canadian investor visa programs:

Business Visitor Visa

The Business Visitor Visa is tailored for individuals seeking temporary travel to Canada for business-related purposes. This includes exploring opportunities to initiate or expand a business, investing in a business, fostering business connections, providing or receiving training, or participating in international business activities—all without directly entering the Canadian labor market.

Business visitors coming to Canada do not require a work permit. It is essential for business visitors to substantiate that their main source of income and primary business location is outside of Canada. It’s crucial to note that business visitors and business people are distinct; the latter category involves individuals coming to Canada to perform work under a free trade agreement.

C11 Work Permit Canada (Entrepreneur Visa)

The Entrepreneur Stream under the C11 work permit is an ideal option for foreign entrepreneurs looking to invest in an established Canadian business or launch a new one. Initially, the entrepreneur obtains a temporary work permit to manage their business in Canada. Subsequently, after one year of successfully running the business in Canada, eligibility for permanent residency is achieved.

Intra Company Transfer Canada (ICT Work Permit – C12 Work permit)

The Intra Company Transfer Canada is well-suited for foreign companies with a Canadian office, subsidiary, or those seeking to expand their operations in Canada. This business immigration program facilitates the transfer of employees from a foreign office to the Canadian counterpart, with the employees receiving a temporary work permit. Depending on their job roles, foreign nationals may qualify for 50 or 200 additional points for an arranged employment (job offer) from their Canadian business. After a year of full-time employment with the Canadian company, the foreign national may become eligible for immigration through the Express Entry program.

Start-Up Visa Canada (SUV)

Under the Canada StartUp Visa program, as many as 5 founding partners (each requiring a minimum ownership of 10%) from an innovative foreign company may qualify for an open work permit lasting up to 3 years. Furthermore, these applicants can potentially become eligible for permanent residency in Canada. Participation in the StartUp Visa program necessitates obtaining a Letter of Support or investment commitment from one of the Designated Organizations in Canada.

Provincial Investor Immigration Programs (PNP)

programs, each potentially demanding distinct investment amounts. These programs are typically customized to attract entrepreneurs and investors to specific regions, thereby contributing to the economic growth of those areas.

The Government of Canada issues invitations to a specific number of candidates from the pool of Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) applicants annually. Successful applicants may eventually qualify for Canadian citizenship following the acquisition of their permanent residence.

Processing time for business immigration streams

Provincial Investor Immigration Programs

The processing time is not uniform across all investor visas; it can vary based on several factors. These include the chosen program, the applicant’s country of origin, the volume of visa applications, obtaining a commitment certificate (SUV), securing a letter of support (PNP), and the specific procedures of the Canadian embassy processing your application. Generally, processing times can span from a few weeks to several years, contingent on the specific investor visa program selected.

Criteria Business visitor visa C11 Work Permit ICT Work Permit PNP Entrepreneur (PR) Startup visa Canada (PR)
Timeframes for Relocation (Work permit) Usually 3-6 months (Visitor Visa) Usually 3-6 months Usually 3-6 months Usually 3-6 months (After obtaining a letter of support) Usually 3-6 months (After obtaining a letter of support)
Timeframe for Permanent Residence (PR) Depends on which PR programs you are applying for Using Express Entry pathway after 1 year: 8 months -1 year (2+ years in total) Using Express Entry pathway after 1 year: 8 months -1 year (2+ years in total) 2- 4 years Current processing time: 3+ years


The Canada Investor Visa offers foreign entrepreneurs a valuable opportunity to purchase or establish businesses in Canada. This initiative not only allows them to work towards permanent residency but also enables them to contribute to the country’s economic growth and innovation ecosystem. For entrepreneurs to capitalize on these programs, meeting eligibility requirements and successfully navigating the application process are crucial steps.