Studying in Australia is a dream for many international students. With its world-renowned universities, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes, it’s no wonder. However, before embarking on this exciting journey, there are several crucial things to know before studying in Australia. In this guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to be aware of, making your transition to student life in Australia as smooth as possible.


Studying abroad is a life-changing experience, and Australia is an excellent choice for international students. This guide will equip you with vital information to help you prepare for your educational adventure in the Land Down Under. From visa requirements to tips on adapting to the culture, we’ve got you covered.

Student Visa and Requirements

Studying in Australia requires a student visa. The process can be intricate, so it’s crucial to understand the requirements and application procedure. You’ll need:

The student visa application process varies depending on your home country, so ensure you check the specific requirements for your nationality.

Choosing the Right Institution

Studying in Australia

Australia boasts a plethora of world-class universities and colleges. Research your options and consider factors such as:

Cost of Living

Australia is known for its high living costs. It’s essential to create a budget and be prepared for expenses such as accommodation, transportation, and daily necessities. Consider part-time work opportunities to help support yourself financially.

Adapting to Australian Culture

Australian culture is diverse and unique. To adapt smoothly, be open to:

Accommodation Options

You have various options for accommodation in Australia:

Part-Time Work

Many international students work part-time to support themselves. Ensure you understand the regulations regarding work rights for student visa holders. Australia offers a range of job opportunities for students.

Health and Insurance

Australia has an excellent healthcare system, but it’s essential to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) to meet visa requirements. OSHC helps cover medical expenses and hospital bills during your stay.


Public transportation in Australia is well-developed, making it easy to get around. You can use buses, trams, trains, or even a bike to explore your city.

Climate and Weather

Australia’s climate varies from region to region. Check the weather in your chosen destination to pack accordingly. Don’t forget to bring sunscreen and a hat, as the sun can be intense.

Safety and Emergency Services

Australia is a safe country, but it’s wise to know emergency contact numbers and the locations of the nearest police stations and hospitals.

Banking and Finances

Opening a bank account is essential for managing your finances in Australia. Research various banks to find one that suits your needs, and ensure you understand fees and charges.

Food and Dining

Australia offers a wide range of culinary experiences. Don’t miss trying local dishes, and explore the diverse food scene, which includes Asian, European, and Middle Eastern cuisines.

Networking and Socializing

Building a social network in a new country is essential. Attend orientation events, join clubs, and participate in extracurricular activities to meet fellow students.

Legal Aspects

Understanding the legal framework is vital. Familiarize yourself with Australian laws and regulations, and always abide by them to ensure a smooth stay.

Technology and Communication

Australia has a well-developed telecommunications infrastructure. Get a local SIM card for your phone and explore internet and data plan options.

Healthcare and Wellness

Prioritize your well-being. Australia offers access to healthcare services and wellness programs. Take advantage of these resources to maintain your health.

Things to Know Before Studying in Australia FAQs

Is it hard to get a student visa for Australia?

Obtaining a student visa can be a complex process, but with the right documentation and assistance, it’s manageable.

What is the cost of tuition in Australia?

Tuition fees in Australia vary depending on the institution and the course. On average, you can expect to pay between AUD 20,000 to AUD 45,000 per year.

Can I work while studying in Australia?

Yes, international students can work up to 20 hours per week during their studies and full-time during breaks.

How can I find accommodation in Australia?

You can explore on-campus or off-campus options, and many institutions provide assistance in finding suitable accommodation.

Do I need health insurance while studying in Australia?

Yes, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is mandatory for international students to cover medical expenses.

What should I pack for the Australian climate?

Pack clothes suitable for the climate in your chosen region, and don’t forget sunscreen and a hat for sun protection.


Studying in Australia From Dubai is an exciting opportunity, but being prepared is key to a successful experience. Understanding the essential things to know before studying in Australia, from visa requirements to cultural adaptation, will help you navigate this new chapter with confidence. Embrace the adventure, and make the most of your educational journey in this diverse and beautiful country.